Recent Package Updates
2025-01-13: vim-9.1.1012-1 (Improved version of the editor "vi")VIM adds many of the features that you would expect in an editor: Unlimited undo, syntax coloring, split windows, visual selection, graphical user interface (read: menus, mouse control, scrollbars, text selection), and much much more. commit log from Hisashi T Fujinaka ( Vim: Welcome to Vim-9.1.1012.2025-01-13: vim-nox-9.1.1012-1 (Improved version of the editor "vi")
VIM adds many of the features that you would expect in an editor: Unlimited undo, syntax coloring, split windows, visual selection, graphical user interface (read: menus, mouse control, scrollbars, text selection), and much much more. commit log from Hisashi T Fujinaka ( Vim: Welcome to Vim-9.1.1012.2025-01-11: libxxhash0-shlibs-0.8.3-1 (Extremely fast hash algorithm)
Extremely fast hash algorithm commit log from Daniel Macks ( libxxhash: new version