
Recent Package Updates

2024-05-02: vim-nox-9.1.390-1 (Improved version of the editor "vi")
VIM adds many of the features that you would expect in an editor:
Unlimited undo, syntax coloring, split windows, visual selection,
graphical user interface (read: menus, mouse control, scrollbars,
text selection), and much much more.

commit log from Hisashi T Fujinaka (

    Vim: Welcome to Vim-9.1.390.
2024-05-02: vim-9.1.390-1 (Improved version of the editor "vi")
VIM adds many of the features that you would expect in an editor:
Unlimited undo, syntax coloring, split windows, visual selection,
graphical user interface (read: menus, mouse control, scrollbars,
text selection), and much much more.

commit log from Hisashi T Fujinaka (

    Vim: Welcome to Vim-9.1.390.
2024-04-30: libassimp5-shlibs-5.4.0-1 (Open Asset Import library for 3d models)
The Asset-Importer-Lib (in short assimp) is a library to load and
process geometric scenes from various 3D-Dataformats. It is mostly
tailored at typical game scenarios by supporting a node hierarchy,
static or skinned meshes, materials, bone animations and potential
texture data. But also some 3D-printing- and CAD-format are supported.

commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (

    libassimp5: v5.4.0